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It's done! Four months after our go-live in January 2023, our second product update 1.1. is launched with many new features and further developments.

What's new in COACHINSIDE?

  • Create and evaluate your own coaches

  • Display of the playing style of a coach of his entire career

  • Coach comparison based on data analysis

  • Search for assistant coaches in the area of staff recruitment

  • Display of all connections of a coach in FOOTBALL IMPACT

  • etc.

Furthermore, we were able to expand our market coverage extensively to almost 30 leagues und competitions. This includes, among others, all coaches of the German Women's Bundesliga, the Belgian Pro League or the U-18 Bundesliga in Austria. In addition, there are new collaborations with partners in various countries in Europe.

All information and news can be found in our product information (PDF) and in our video for product release 1.1.

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